Xampp for m1 mac
Xampp for m1 mac

xampp for m1 mac

Install Homebrew if you haven’t installed it already. But, if not, just run this command from a terminal, and follow the prompts to install the Xcode command line tools: xcode-select -install You probably have these installed already if you are using git. You do not need to install PHP with Homebrew.

xampp for m1 mac xampp for m1 mac

This is the minimum required to allow you to compile XDebug. The easiest thing to do is to install Homebrew and the autoconf, automake and l ibtool packages. It is possible to install XDebug on Mac for XAMPP without having to install Homebrew, but it’s not a course I’d recommend, unless you want to install the entire package from Apple, and then compile autoconf, automake and libtool yourself.

Xampp for m1 mac